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MURPH 2024
Our fundraiser for The SHrED Gym & Swim

This years MURPH fundraiser for our SHrED Gym & Swim looks a little different.

Bigger & better than before with 3 options of events, staged starting times & a uniquely planned rural-run.

12pm Saturday Sept. 28th

We plan for this to be a fun afternoon for all, participation is always encouraged but not mandatory, spectators welcome.

Raffles, Prizes & a BBQ to follow the event. 

There is no set entry fee,

just bring a donation for our GYM & SWIM on the day!

The three event options are;

  • Individual RX - where you complete the workout exactly as Murph intended; 

1 Mile buy-in

100 Pull-ups

200 Push-ups

300 Squats

1 Mile buy-out

*optional extra challenge bring a weighted vest 

  • Individual Scaled - you may complete the movements however you like;

1 Mile buy-in
100 Pull-ups / Banded Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 Mile buy-out

  • Partners Scaled - you & your partner may complete the run in 'relay style' & breakup the movements however;

1 Mile buy-in
100 Banded Pull-ups / Ring-rows
200 Push-ups (Knee or Box assisted)
300 Squats
1 Mile buy-out

*1 Mile buy-in & out equivalent to 1.6km run, which must be completed in full prior to starting the other movements, & following them

MURPH Registration Form

Are you entering as an; Individual RX, Individual scaled or Partner?

Thank you for visiting our site, if you are interested in learning more about our Gym & Swim proposal please visit our page here gym-and-swim & submit the form to stay in the loop. Thanks again, The SHrED team.

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